Make a change and invest in a peaceful future
Investing in companies involved in producing military weapons is a risky business. Concerns about social impact, human rights, reputation risk, and regulatory risks are just a few of the reasons weapon free investing has been a common component of sustainable investing for decades.
Despite global calls for restraint and nuclear disarmament, new nuclear weapons are being developed in all nuclear armed countries, with investor-owned companies involved in constructing, maintaining, and stockpiling nuclear weapons. Some arms producers also manufacture internationally-banned weapons like cluster munitions, anti-personnel landmines, incendiary weapons, and depleted uranium.
Use our database to find out if your 401(k), mutual funds, or exchange-traded funds are invested in:
The largest publicly-traded arms manufacturers and military contractors
Companies involved in the construction or maintenance of nuclear weapons
Companies involved with controversial weapons, including cluster munitions, anti-personnel landmines, incendiary weapons, and depleted uranium
Civilian firearms
We also track investments in civilian firearm manufacturers and retailers raking in billions in handgun, assault rifle, and ammunition sales. Gun Free Funds is made for people looking to align their investments with their values by moving money out of companies that make and sell guns.
Disclaimer: As You Sow is not an investment adviser
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